This Cranberry Thyme Spritzer has all the characteristics of a festive holiday cocktail. It's bubbly, red, & cranberry-ish but also Whole30-compliant!

Non-Alcoholic Cranberry Thyme Spritzer

I’m a sipper. I always have a drink at hand. I’ve grown accustomed to drinking a lot of water, and I’m usually fine with that. Sometimes, though, I want something different. On the Whole30 plan, there aren’t a lot of options. As it gets closer to Christmastime, and I see all the wonderful holiday sweets and cocktail recipes on Pinterest, I get a little down. Those things just have way too many calories, and it’s not really the alcohol or the sweets I want anyway. I just like to sip on the pretty, festive drinks. I went into the kitchen determined to mix up something to lift my spirits. This Non-Alcoholic Cranberry Thyme Spritzer made my night and put me back in a Christmas-y state of mind. It has all the characteristics of one of those festive holiday cocktails. It’s bubbly, red, cranberry-ish…what more could you want?? Did I mention it’s technically Whole30-compliant? Score!

This Non-Alcoholic Cranberry Thyme Spritzer was embarrassingly easy to make, but here’s the recipe anyway:

[tasty-recipe id=”3125″]

I hope you enjoy this Non-Alcoholic Cranberry Thyme Spritzer as mush as I did! Go right now, make this drink, put on your sweat pants and fuzzy socks, light a candle, relax and think Christmas-y thoughts!

I’m already thinking up some more combinations as I type… Rosemary grapefruit? Cilantro lime with a pinch of salt? Oh, the possibilities!

Don’t forget to Pin this Non-Alcoholic Cranberry Thyme Spritzer recipe for later!

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